All paintings and  photographs  are copyrighted material and may
not be used in any print or electronic media without the written permission of the artist.

© 2009 All Rights Reserved
Daniel's Den
PrimaTek and other Daniel Smith Watercolors, Gessoes (white/titan buff) and 300lb D'Arches coldpress watercolor paper.
(The "Seastones" and the "Portico" series used 140lb Strathmore 400 watercolor paper.)

Thank you ALL for making this page possible!
(All Paintigs have been completed sine April 2009. Paintings on this page may also be found thoughout my website)
Stone Phoenix Series

I believe most artists experience an occasional dry spell, a time when the paint stops flowing and deadlines come and go, a time when “The Artist is
Out”.  I recently returned from one of those rather lengthy unscheduled sabbaticals.  The months of quiet introspection allowed new processes to
germinate and fresh ideas to develop unhindered by the pressures of normal routines.

A layerist by nature, I recently learned I am most comfortable “building”, rather than “painting” a painting.  It had been many years since I used
watercolors, but several tubes of new paint, a stack of 300 lb watercolor papers, and a can of gesso gave me nothing to lose. Inspiration flowed with
the granulating qualities of the new semi-precious stone watercolors that actually allow me to paint with hematite, amethyst and azurite. Out of
the ashes and from the depths of the earth emerged  my new “Stone Phoenix” series of watercolors employing these wonderful tools.
"Balancing Act"
"Building Stone Walls"
"Rocky Roads"
"Construction Site"
"Brownstones in Brooklyn"
"Stones In The Road"
"Paving Stones"
"Inner Scantum"
"Lapis  Blues"
"Mental  Blocks"
"Written in Stone"
"Jumping Thru Hoops"
"Behind Door #1"
"Heart of the Matter"
"Sea Stones I"
"Sea Stones II"
"Sea Stones III"
"Slated As An Abode"